
Cheapest Ways to Celebrate Graduation Day

In some learning institutions around the world, March and April are graduation months. Graduations are milestones that are worth celebrating regardless of whether the student has finished pre-school, elementary school, high school, college, or any other post graduate course. Practicality dictates, however, that celebrations be kept modest. Making wise choices when it comes to the common graduation expense items will allow you to have a memorable day without busting your budget.

(photo credit to the owner)


After you have allocated money for the must-haves like the graduation paraphernalia, a graduation dress such as one from an online store like, and a good graduation gift, the next big expense item you have to plan for would be the celebration on the day of the graduation or several days after. This should not necessarily be extravagant or lavish. A small family affair will do or perhaps one with a few friends.

The cheapest way to celebrate graduation day is, of course, to have a special family dinner at home. You can prepare the family’s signature recipes and have a more formal dinner table setting. Bring out your fine china and silverware. If you can afford it, buy flowers for your table centerpiece and maybe for the buffet or side tables too. If you have a flower garden, making your own flower arrangements and centerpiece will be fine too.

If your graduate wants to celebrate with friends, perhaps a backyard picnic or barbeque would be an economical option. Those who are moving away for college would most likely have a blast pitching a tent in your backyard and having an at-home “camping party.” This will give them a chance to relive all their grade school and high school memories before they head out to their chosen universities. You don’t have to worry about any special menu for this kind of graduation celebration. Just bring out the grill and serve up barbeque staples like burgers and wieners. For a more “adult” touch, you can opt for steak, sausages, and the colorful trio of bell peppers, onions, and tomatoes.

Remember that there will be a lot more for you to spend on after your child’s graduation. Splurging on a grand graduation party when it could be spent for other essentials does not make sense at all. The celebration should highlight how much your child has achieved in the past years and how much more they can achieve in future.


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